[vc_row][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”Helluva Boss” font_container=”tag:h1|font_size:42|text_align:center|color:%23cc3333″ google_fonts=”font_family:Margarine%3Aregular|font_style:400%20regular%3A400%3Anormal”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”Season 1 – Episode 7″ font_container=”tag:h2|text_align:center|color:%23777777″ google_fonts=”font_family:Acme%3Aregular|font_style:400%20regular%3A400%3Anormal”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”“Ozzie’s“” font_container=”tag:h3|text_align:center|color:%2324135f” google_fonts=”font_family:Headland%20One%3Aregular|font_style:400%20regular%3A400%3Anormal”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]After another successful job involving the deaths of several lumberjacks, Blitzo, Millie and Moxxie return back to I.M.P. As Blitzo offers to buy everyone drinks later that night, Moxxie declines saying that he and Millie will have other plans; when asked about it, Moxxie reveals that he got a reservation at Ozzie’s for their one year anniversary (which causes Millie to squeal with delight). When Blitzo tries to invite himself, Moxxie sternly tells him that the reservation was for two and he is not permitted to join them. Millie is able to calm an angry Moxxie down by seducing him, and takes Moxxie back to their home to change for that evening.[/vc_column_text][vc_text_separator title=”Hey, Loonie. Just wanted to let you know I’m not gonna be back home until real late. I got something important tonight.”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Moxxie and Millie later arrive at Ozzie’s, with Blitzo secretly following them. When Blitzo tries to enter the club, the bouncer reveals that the establishment is for couples only; thinking on his feet, Blitzo tries to flirt with the bouncer who quickly throws him out. Blitzo decides to call Stolas and invite him as his date; meanwhile, Stolas is at home alone due to Stella having taken Octavia away for the weekend. He wearily makes a bowl of cereal and watches a romantic telenovela when the phone rings; seeing that it is Blitzo calling, Stolas trips over himself to answer it and immediately agrees to go out with Blitzo. He arrives about twenty minutes later in a fancy outfit and they both walk up to the club. The bouncer moves to stop Blitzo from entering again, but apologizes when Stolas asks if there is an issue and lets them in.
Getting a table near the stage, Stolas tries to make small talk with Blitzo, who is preoccupied with looking for Moxxie and Millie. The lights go down and Blitzo is horrified to see that the show host for the night is Fizzarolli. Fizzarolli mentions the the Loo Loo Land fire, aggressively remarking how he wanted to meet the person who caused it, and introduces a few of the performers for tonight including Verosika Mayday, causing Blitzo to bemoan his situation further. The scene cuts to Verosika at the bar, shoving away Wally Wackford who was handing her a drink at the bar.
Fizzarolli reveals that the very first act is a song written and performed by Moxxie, much to Millie’s surprise and delight. After Moxxie sings for some time, the other patrons begin to show some restlessness and Asmodeus comes on stage with Fizzarolli to mock his sincere song being performed in a place known for lust and desire through their own song. Blitzo tries to come to Moxxie and Millie’s defense, only for Fizzarolli to turn his jabs at Blitzo. Verosika is quick to join in and sings about Blitzo not being good in bed and breaking her heart.
Asmodeus notices, with some surprise, that Stolas is with Blitzo and takes light of him risking the seemingly perfect life the prince has by sleeping with Blitzo, seemingly creating illusions of Stella and Octavia looking angry at him. Millie eventually interjects by attacking Fizzarolli and gets Moxxie to finish his song; by that point, Blitzo is incredibly upset but pulls his hand away when Stolas tries to comfort him. Blitzo and Stolas end up leaving at Blitzo’s request, both looking sad and embarrassed.
After Moxxie finishes his song to a fairly positive response from the audience, Asmodeus bluntly and angrily tells both him and Millie to leave.[/vc_column_text][vc_text_separator title=”Aww… ain’t that just such a happy display? It sickens me! GET THE FUCK OUT!”][vc_column_text]After Stolas is driven back home, giving his gratititude and appreciation for inviting him on a night out, he invites Blitzo to come in for a while, only for Blitzo to decline, saying he is not in the mood. Stolas offers to instead just talk or cuddle, but Blitzo again refuses. On the verge of crying, Blitzo reminds Stolas that what they have is nothing but Stolas wanting to have sex with him. Given the circumstances of the night, Blitzo does not have the energy to do so and apologizes. Stolas understands and bids him goodnight as the latter does the same; after Blitzo leaves, Stolas sheds a few tears before sitting outside on the front steps of his mansion.
Blitzo goes back to his apartment and after reading a note from Loona saying she’s out at a party with Vortex, he lays on his couch and pulls out his phone. He flips through several images. There is a selfie he took of him and Stolas in bed cuddling, a picture of him with Millie and Moxxie drinking boba tea together, a picture of him excitedly holding up the adoption papers with Loona who is less excited, a picture of him shaking hands with Moxxie while holding up the IMP business card (implication that this is when he first hired Moxxie), a picture of him and Verosika together (Verosika’s tattoo is noticeably not crossed out in this picture), and two pictures of him and Fizzarolli growing up (once as teens at a concert and once as little kids on stage together). The last picture is of him and his sister as well as another Imp who appears to be their mother; that image specifically causes him to start sobbing and he ends up crying into a pillow.[/vc_column_text][vc_media_grid style=”lazy” items_per_page=”6″ element_width=”2″ item=”mediaGrid_ScaleWithRotation” grid_id=”vc_gid:1667352563933-2dd08655ac2064a954bfea80527402f7-3″ include=”1492,1493,1494,1495,1496,1497,1498,1499,1500,1501,1502,1503,1504,1505,1506,1507,1508,1509,1510,1511,1512,1513,1514,1515,1516,1517,1518,1519,1520,1521,1522,1523,1524,1525,1526,1527,1528,1529,1530,1531,1532,1533,1534,1535,1536,1537,1538,1539,1540,1541,1542,1543,1544,1545,1546,1547,1548,1549,1550,1551,1552,1553,1554,1555,1556,1557,1558,1559,1560,1561,1562,1563,1564,1565,1566,1567,1568,1569,1570,1571,1572,1573,1574,1575,1576,1577,1578,1579″][/vc_column][/vc_row]
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