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Helluva Boss, Season 1, Episode 3 – Spring Broken: Review

Helluva Boss, Season 1, Episode 3 – Spring Broken: Review

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”Helluva Boss” font_container=”tag:h1|font_size:42|text_align:center|color:%23cc3333″ google_fonts=”font_family:Margarine%3Aregular|font_style:400%20regular%3A400%3Anormal”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”Season 1 – Episode 3″ font_container=”tag:h2|text_align:center|color:%23777777″ google_fonts=”font_family:Acme%3Aregular|font_style:400%20regular%3A400%3Anormal”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”“Spring Broken“” font_container=”tag:h3|text_align:center|color:%2324135f” google_fonts=”font_family:Headland%20One%3Aregular|font_style:400%20regular%3A400%3Anormal”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The episode opens with Blitzo driving to work in the company van, with Loona in the front seat and Millie and Moxxie in the back. Blitzo is poorly singing along to the song “Mustang Dong” which blasts from the speakers, discomforting Loona and Moxxie. Upon arrival at the parking lot behind the building, Blitzo is about to park in the one remaining spot when another car cuts in front of him and takes it. Leaning out of the window, Blitzo begins shouting through a megaphone at the car’s driver about how they have three seconds to get out of his parking spot, before he recognizes the front seat passenger, Verosika Mayday, a pop star and his ex-girlfriend.

After the two exchange insults she reveals since she’s freelancing with another more successful company in the building for Spring break that week, she’s stealing their spot, mostly out of spite due to their nasty breakup, which apparently was in part caused by Blitzo running off and leaving her with the bill for the hotel room while he stole her car to run it around three rings and max out her credit cards on horse riding lessons.

When Blitzo tries to angrily protest, he’s interrupted and intimidated by Verosika’s Hellhound bodyguard, Vortex. After Verosika and Vortex walk away, the rest of the company are all dumbfounded at the fact he dated a pop star – questioning if it was before she became famous or if there’s something wrong with her. Blitzo orders everyone to drop it and tells Millie to find a temporary parking spot as Moxxie and Loona follow him inside.

Loona begins worrying about Verosika and Vortex possibly seeing her because she did her makeup “shitty” that day; despite Blitzo reassuring her that it’s fine. As Loona uses a pocket mirror to check it and accidentally bumps into Vortex. Blitzo then gets between them after seeing her romantic interest in him, and he discovers Verosika rented office space on the same floor as I.M.P. due to there being no room on the second floor. Moxxie enters Verosika’s office to try to reason with her and her fellow succubi demon posse, but they take on full demonic forms to sexually assault him.

Angered, Blitzo storms into Verosika’s office to challenge her. Since Spring Break in the mortal world is prime time for crime, he bets that I.M.P can kill more targets than the succubi can have sex with by the end of the day, a challenge that Verosika accepts.[/vc_column_text][vc_text_separator title=”Alright, shut your assholes! Here’s how we’re gonna do this shit! First, we find a fuck ton of clients. We portal up. We have our fun murder time as per usual. We pile all the bodies into a big fuckin’ canoe. We push said canoe into some water. We light it on fire to attract the sharks and eagles ‘n shit. Maybe a goose, too! Fuck it! They come and eat the bodies, we win the bet… We rub it in that sloppy bitch’s drunken whore-ass face… Do you have… any questions?”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Cutting to I.M.P’s meeting room, Blitzo explains his plan, which consists of finding lots of clients, taking the portal up to the mortal world and going on a rampage, piling the corpses into a canoe, lighting it on fire before pushing it out to sea for sharks and maybe a goose to eat, and win the bet which they rub it in Verosika’s face.

Blitzo asks if anyone has questions, and Moxxie remarks that his description of the plan was nonsensical, which Blitzo brushes off as not being a question, before the two start quarreling, taking turn insulting one another.

Loona then interrupts them to asks if she can join them on this job. Blitzo initially rejects saying Spring Break is no place for vulnerable goth girls, reminding her of all the human freaks who would drool all over her – leading to a fourth wall break where everyone looks at the camera with accusatory glares. Loona then points out that she can blend in with the humans, since she has a human disguise, which surprises everyone, leaving Loona to angrily realize they’ve been operating in the mortal world undisguised the whole time.

Before she can say anything more, Blitzo then comes up with a new plan where Loona lures targets to them and they take care of the rest. Moxxie then points out the biggest hole in Blitzo’s plan: they need at least one client who is willing to pay for enough kills to win the bet and Blitzo states that he has it covered. Blitzo posts a single flyer on a telephone pole, advertising an extreme 50% discount for kills at Spring Break. Moxxie complains that “there is no way [they] will get enough clients by the end of the day with one poorly spelt, bad grammar flyer.”. Just then, a crowd stretching across the street forms a line in front of it. Blitzo elbows Moxxie about the plan’s success, before asking the crowd who is first.

It then cuts to the mortal world, where I.M.P hides under a pier on a beach with a Spring Break party. Blitzo goes over a few last-minute details of the plan, such as how they can’t risk causing a panic with loose gunfire, and Loona assumes her magical human disguise. Blitzo comments that Loona looks “awful” disguised (however, his tone suggests the opposite) and tells her to go to work. A montage of murders with Loona luring targets into side alleys for the others to kill is then shown, alongside other kills without her help. As Blitzo ties the knot on a bag with a corpse in it, Verosika dramatically arrives, taking over a concert stage to put on a show in human disguise, a persona she apparently adopts often enough that the crowd is familiar with her.

As Verosika sings a hypnotically seductive song, her fellow disguised succubi initiate an orgy with people in the crowd. Blitzo angrily comments about the song and that they have to speed up if they want to win. He asks Loona if a beachgoer vomiting near them is on their list, and Loona who’s distracted by Vortex mumbles that he is. Blitzo goes to kill him, as his victim turns around and mistake him for a leprechaun, which Blitzo jokingly agrees “Yeah, pretty cool huh?”, before splitting his head open. As he turns to ask Loona to find the next target, he realizes that she has disappeared. Panicked and asking where his “baby” has gone, Millie sees that she has gone to talk to Vortex, who is also disguised and acting as stage security for Verosika, causing Blitzo to become angry and protective.

Making her way through the crowd, Loona goes to talk with Vortex, but he knocks out a member of the crowd who attempts to rush the stage and drags them away. As Loona goes to follow him, one of the disguised lust demons named Josh tries to seduce her, but she ends his pursuit by punching him in the face. Verosika then tosses a hipflask full of Hell-made alcohol into the crowd, but it bounces into the ocean, where it begins demonically mutating a fish into a monster. Loona finally reaches Vortex, awkwardly introducing herself, and Vortex recognizes her as working for Blitzo; Loona apologizes for that if that’s weird. He nonchalantly says that it’s cool since he isn’t paid enough to care or get involved in Verosika’s feud with him. Loona awkwardly flirts with him, before Blitzo interrupts them, and gets into an argument with Vortex. Moxxie complains to Millie that Blitzo has been distracted from the mission, and they conclude that it’s up to them to finish out the hit list, to Millie’s excitement. They leave the beach to kill targets inside the buildings along the waterfront in a blood-drenched massacre.

Loona tells Blitzo to leave before he gets all the demons caught, but Blitzo asks her to get back to work, and Loona asks if she isn’t entitled to breaks. Blitzo yells “there’s a parking spot on the line!”, and Vortex tries to calm him down, and Blitzo snaps at him to stay out of it. Loona asks if he can leave her alone for five minutes; Blitzo responds by demanding respect as her adoptive father, and Loona asks what it matters, saying that Blitzo isn’t her real father; she was almost eighteen when he adopted her. Blitzo says that it counts anyway, which Loona dismisses, telling him she didn’t need him then and she doesn’t need him now.

Millie and Moxxie hide on a table of kegs and prepare to take out a target with a crossbow. A drunk party goer then flips the table, sending them flying into the crowd. Moxxie is then mistaken for a possum by the drunken crowd and stuffed into one of the kegs, where he involuntarily swallows large portions of the keg. As the crowd with the keg rushes past, Loona feels guilty and tries to apologize to Blitzo for her outburst. Blitzo halfheartedly tells her to enjoy her break and that he is “gonna go kill something.”

Vortex then asks if Loona is alright as what she did was “savage”, but compliments her for sticking up for herself, which makes Loona flush. Millie, who has found the keg Moxxie was stuffed into, abandoned by the crowd. Tipping it over, a drunk Moxxie spills out with what little’s left of the beer. Moxxie drunkenly asks Millie where she got four heads, and that he wants to kiss them. The now mutated fish that had the hipflask spilt on it rises from the ocean, with legs and now the size of a three-story building. The fish makes easy prey of the drunken and care-free Moxxie, grabbing him with its tongue and seemingly swallows him whole. Millie then stabs a party goer and takes his towel and drink, using them to make a fire bottle which she throws at the monster fish, causing it to stumble.

The monster fish falls over into the surf, and Millie swims out to it, using her knife to climb up to its mouth which she pries open. There she finds Moxxie clinging to its uvula to avoid being swallowed. As she reaches for his hand, he merely responds with a confused high-five. She manages to grab him by the wrist and cuts him free from its tongue. Moxxie gets tossed out, and Blitzo catches him back on the beach. Millie, who is still in the monster fish’s mouth, gets it to spit her out by punching its wounded tongue, before clambering to its face. Moxxie drunkenly declares his love for Millie to Blitzo, who mockingly remarks that she pegs Moxxie. Millie uses the monster’s movement to springboard herself into the air, diving back into the monster’s mouth and into its throat, then cuts it open from the inside, killing it.[/vc_column_text][vc_text_separator title=”Would be a shame if anyone found out you guys were behind a giant monster fish in the human world.”][vc_column_text]Millie swims back to shore, asking Blitzo if Moxxie is OK. Blitzo tells her he’s fine, before dropping him. They are then approached by Verosika and the other succubi. Verosika attempts to reprimand I.M.P. on their lack of subtlety, but Millie then tosses Verosika her hipflask, telling her how bad it would look if they revealed she was behind the monster fish in the first place. Verosika then points out they would also get in trouble for being undisguised, when Moxxie drunkenly hisses he was mistaken for a possum, but he’s not a possum. Blitzo then says he won’t mention anything about her involvement in the monster fish if they let him use the parking space, which Verosika begrudgingly agrees to. Blitzo begins celebrating and rubbing their victory in Verosika’s face. The succubus calls to Vortex that they’re leaving. Vortex tells Loona that he’s got to go, but gives her his number, saying that “his girlfriend throws great parties”. Loona becomes disappointed upon hearing Vortex mention that he already has a girlfriend, seemingly shutting down her hopes of pursuing him romantically, but she still seems willing to go along with his offer of friendship and any party invitation.

Blitzo then tells Loona to come over so they can celebrate their victory by parking the car in their space, and the Imps and Hellhound go back to Hell through a portal on the ground. As Verosika leaves the beach, Blitzo pops back out of their portal, flipping her off, angering her. Verosika and her group then leave the beach for the foreshore, where they are surrounded by police plus one clown, and Verosika tells the rest of the group to get ready to have to engage in a lot of sexual bribery to get out of this predicament.[/vc_column_text][vc_media_grid style=”lazy” items_per_page=”6″ element_width=”2″ item=”mediaGrid_ScaleWithRotation” grid_id=”vc_gid:1667349101649-22aa08b4ae572100331d01bcd9e8d291-7″ include=”1166,1167,1168,1169,1170,1171,1172,1173,1174,1175,1176,1177,1178,1179,1180,1181,1182,1183,1184,1185,1186,1187,1188,1189,1190,1191,1192,1193,1194,1195,1196,1197,1198,1199,1200,1201,1202,1203,1204,1205,1206,1207,1208,1209,1210,1211,1212,1213,1214,1215,1216,1217,1218,1219,1220,1221,1222,1223,1224,1225,1226,1227,1228,1229,1230,1231,1232,1233,1234,1235,1236,1237,1238,1239,1240″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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